Transforming Ringway and Friargate North Project

Transforming Friargate North and Ringway will have wide ranging benefits for Preston by increasing sustainable travel options and regenerating the public space for all to enjoy.
As part of the successful bid for GOV.UK - Transforming Cities Funding, Lancashire County Council has been awarded £40 million to invest in public and sustainable transport and connectivity. £15 million of this award has been allocated to regenerating Friargate North and Ring Way inline with other modern cities. The funding will also be used towards a range of complementary improvements in and around the city to promote public transport, walking and cycling, enabling more people to leave the car at home.
The project aims to reconnect both sides of the city to make it easier for pedestrians to move between Preston's university quarter and the city centre, give a more joined up shopping and leisure experience and change the way we travel into and around this part of Preston enabling more people to catch the bus walk and cycle.
Transforming ringway will also work towards achieving one of the key priorities in the city's overarching City Investment Plan in terms of achieving a step change in sustainable movement and accessibility in the city.
Project objectives
The project aim will be achieved through the following objectives:
- Installing dedicated cycle lanes along Ringway and Friargate North
- A new pedestrian crossing facility on the Ringway - Friargate junction
- Improving the appearance of public open space around the junction
- Pedestrianisation of the northern end of Friargate between Ringway and Marsh Lane
- Closing part of Corporation Street to general traffic and providing new bus stops for buses diverted from Friargate
- Planting new trees and providing new street furniture and cycle parking facilities
Transforming Friargate North and Ringway will have wide ranging benefits for Preston:
- Providing alternatives to car use will improve air quality around the city centre
- Create a safer environment for all road users, especially pedestrians and cyclists
- Street trees will absorb up to 150kg of carbon each and provide shade and temperature reduction in summer
- Making Preston a cycle friendly city can create a healthier community which helps the economy and our NHS
- Encouraging through - traffic to use other routes will reduce congestion in the city centre which costs around £1700 per year
- Opportunities for cafes, bars and restaurants to provide outdoor seating
- New spaces for outdoor markets and live events
- Increased footfall will help create more potential customers for local business
The construction of the works will start in autumn 2021 on Corporation Street and is planned to be complete by spring 2023. For more information on the project, including time scales, visit Lancashire County Council - transforming Friargate North and Ringway.
About the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF)
The TCF provides investment in infrastructure to improve public and sustainable transport in some of England's largest cities.
The aim of the investment for Preston will be to move away from a car-dominated network to an integrated, accessible and sustainable non-car network, which will reduce current congestion, improve the public realm space and decrease levels of air pollution in the city.
For more information surrounding plans and delivery visit Lancashire County Council - Transforming Cities.